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It’s National Love Your Freckles Day

November 22nd is national Love Your Freckles Day! Growing up I didn’t know much about freckles other than the more I was in the sun the more they showed on my nose. Who knew that freckles are more than a thing of beauty, they can be indicators of much more. Often these tiny brown dots are simply pigmented skin marks, however they sometimes can alert one of a deeper issue such as neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). There are several sources that have made mention of freckles and café au lait spots being some of the first symptoms that one may have NF. When it comes to NF1 the most common area for freckles is often under the arm pits and in the groin area. Although freckles and café au lait spots may have a connection to NF1 remember always speak with your doctor if you have any concerns. Just like each little freckle we are all so unique in our own way. Want to know more, I’ve linked a neurofibromatosis fact sheet by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and a previous article on cafe au lait spots in NF1.


Cafe Au Lait Spots and Diagnosis of NF1

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