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Neurofibromatosis Research Helping Scientists to Understand Autism

People with neurofibromatosis type 1 have a higher incidence of many different complications. Tumor growth and learning disabilities are especially prevalent, but NF1 also causes higher rates of bony abnormalities, seizures, pain, aneurysms and much more. For scientists, the mechanisms of NF1 and the NF1 gene offer great incite and understanding into the causes of many medical problems in people without neurofibromatosis.

Neurofibromatosis research is leading to discoveries about pain, nerve regeneration, wound healing, inflammation and blood vessel growth, bone growth and repair, orthopedic abnormalities, amputation, muscle weakness, learning disabilities, behavioral and brain function, tumor growth, and many forms of cancer.

In fact, it is believed that research into NF can help us learn more about many different issues affecting over 175 million Americans!

Now new research is finding a link between autism and neurofibromatosis type 1 that “may lead to the development of new treatments and have broader implications for children with autism from the general population”.

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